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Welcome to the Relationship Center's virtual appointment page. After you have made your appointment online please see below on how to get started!
Step 1 - We have decided to use Zoom Video Conferencing for our sessions. Please see the instructions below to download and install the software. It is free for you to use. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Just skip that step if you so desire.
If you have trouble installing on your Mac please click here for step by step settings.
Step 2 - You will receive an email with the link to the meeting

This email will contain a link to the meeting and the appointment time. When you click on this link (at the appointment time) it will launch Zoom and you will be able to join the meeting.

From the email you can also add the meeting directly into your calendar by clicking on the calendar icon. The link will also be included in the calendar appointment.
Step 3 - Join the Meeting!

DO NOT OPEN THE ZOOM SOFTWARE! When you click on the link at the appointment time, you will be taken to the meeting. The software will automatically open and the security code will automatically be entered. We will be waiting for you. Please make sure you pick Join With Video.
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